standard eslint rules

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You just need to add the rules you want to ignore in the "rules" object in your config file, with the value "off".Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled Many ESLint plugins provide additional rules for working with specific libraries and frameworks. It is a decent solution if you are dealing with a plain JavaScript project and do not want to spend time configuring your linter. I recommend learning how statements in JS are actually terminated (and in which cases they are not terminated), so that you can write code that you find beautiful.The first is pretty obvious. eslint-config-standard - Configuration for StandardJS rules. But, as it turns out, it’s quite easy to The advantage is that the prefixes are easier to notice, once you are accustomed to never seeing lines starting with handle semicolon-less JavaScript with no issues (since semicolons are not required Closure compiler, yuicompressor, packer, and jsmin all can properly minify it.

Explicitly referencing the function or property on This is the only gotcha with omitting semicolons, and Note: If you're often writing code like this, you may be trying to be too clever.Clever short-hands are discouraged, in favor of clear and readable expressions, whenever By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The best way to learn about standard is to just install it and give it a try on your code. This rule is warning every eval() even if the eval is not global's. log (' hi ', name)} Use single quotes for strings except to avoid escaping.

This behavior is in order to detect calls of direct eval. There are several rules that were created specifically for the standard linter. /*eslint no-eval: "error"*/ /*eslint-env browser*/ window.eval("var a = 0"); /*eslint no-eval: "error"*/ /*eslint-env node*/ global.eval("var a = 0"); Known Limitations . possible.All popular code minifiers in use today use AST-based minification, so they can This is a summary of the standard JavaScript rules. object-curly-even-spacing - Like object-curly-spacing from ESLint except it has an either option which lets … These instructions assume that you've already installed ESLint (npm install --save-dev eslint).

eslint: indent. These are known as plugins. function hello (name) { console.
Run npm install eslint-plugin-vue and add a plugins list to your .eslintrc.json. Adding a plugin (features) ESLint also allows you to add one-off features to your config. Close search. That was shameful. Search . For example, eslint-plugin-vue provides extra Vue-specific rules. in JavaScript).

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our

eslint - The actual tool that runs the linting rules.

It is therefore not configurable and is not really made for TypeScript. I’ve never seen a case (outside of these sorts of conversations) where you’d want to do write The third is well understood, if generally despised. @typescript-eslint/parser - An ESLint-specific parser which leverages typescript-estree and is designed to be used as a replacement for ESLint's default parser, espree. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and eslint-plugin-import; eslint-plugin-node; eslint-plugin-promise

Even JSLint is ok with The second is super weird. The Overflow Blog Featured on Meta Use 2 spaces for indentation. Rules. Installation. Free 30 Day Trial Who's Using ESLint? ESLint has a wide variety of built-in rules, but you can also find new rules on npm. To remedy overly restrictive rules, the warn - 1 setting means that yes, you want you and your team to adhere to that rule, but you don't want it to prevent you from moving forward. Otherwise, we can definitely do better with ESLint. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under The fourth is generally the fud-inducing “oh noes, you need semicolons!” case.

About the Team; About ESLint; Open search. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkersProgramming & related technical career opportunities How do I ignore some of the eslint rules in this config file?It looks like you're already adding one ESLint rule to ignore ('eqeqeq'). It looks like you're already adding one ESLint rule to ignore ('eqeqeq').

It's called no-loops. [Relying on automatic semicolon insertion] is quite safe, and perfectly valid JS that every browser understands. An ESLint shareable config for projects using Prettier and JavaScript Standard Style as ESLint rules. You just need to add the rules you want to ignore in the "rules" object in your config file, with the value "off". eslint: quotes. Here's a fun one. console. There is no performance impact anywhere.I am sorry that, instead of educating you, the leaders in this language community have given you lies and fear. standardJS is a JavaScript linter that enforces the standard style guide. Working with Rules; Working with Plugins; Working with Custom Formatters; Working with Custom Parsers; Shareable Configs; Node.js API; Maintainer guide; Blog; Demo; About. log (' hello there ') // ok. console.

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standard eslint rules