react documentation generator

GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes.

To start using it, all you need to do is create an index.html and deploy it on GitHub Pages. For example, the This makes it easy, together with the utility methods created to analyze the AST, to introduce new or custom resolver methods. React makes it painless to create interactive UIs.

Generate simple React components documentation in Markdown.. Installation $ npm install -save-dev react-doc-generator. Usage. so then you are able to call this script by the command line:This is an example of what you'll see in your terminal. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. A magical documentation site generator. It provides a default implementation for React components defined via GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Create documentation for your React projects in an easy way using standard PropTypes declarations. Generate simple React components documentation in Markdown.. The docs are now hosted on a small repo in plain markdown, with none of the clutter that a typical static site generator would require. Generate a simple React component documentation in Markdown. React PropTypes Example; It parses the files using React Docgen. React DOC Generator. React DOC Generator.

If you are searching for a more high level styleguide with nice interface try The tool can be used programmatically to extract component information and customize the extraction process:As with the CLI, this will look for the exported component created through The source text that react-docgen will try to extract the documentation from.Given an AST and a reference to the parser, it returns an (array of) NodePath which represents the component definition.The absolute path to the file associated with the code currently being parsed, if there is one. In your package.json insert: Thanks Slash!

This is also the easiest way to integrate React into an existing website.You can always add a larger toolchain if you find it helpful! Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. For example, a resolver could look for plain ObjectExpressions with a Handlers do the actual work and extract the desired information from the result the resolver returned. By default, react-docgen will look for the exported component created throughReact.createClass, a class definition or a function (stateless component) ineach file. * Description of prop "bar" (a custom validation function). Open source contributions to the React Native docs have skyrocketed after our move to Docusaurus. Instead, it smartly loads and parses your Markdown files and displays them as a website.

You can change that behavior with the --resolver option, whicheither expects the name of a built-in resolver or a p… Have a look at the wiki for a list: Here is a list of all the available types and its result structure.The structure of the JSON blob / JavaScript object is as follows: Installing the module adds a react-docgenexecutable which allows you to converta single file, multiple files or an input stream.

Unlike GitBook, it does not generate static html files.

Installation $ npm install -save-dev react-doc-generator. Generate a simple React component documentation in Markdown. A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes. What it is. Like the resolver, they try to delegate as much work as possible to the reusable utility functions.There are some community created handlers available. react-docgen is a low level tool to extract information about react components. docsify generates your documentation website on the fly. Even if you don’t know anything about React yet, try changing their code and see how it affects the result. Share the documentation in your project's repository. Usage. Usage. If you don’t experience the problems described above or don’t feel comfortable using JavaScript tools yet, consider adding React as a plain