pays lac aiguebelette

Route through the trees (2 - 3 ½ hrs) on the Epine mountain, towards the Col du Crucifix and the Col St Michel (former passage ways between France and the Savoie), with pretty views of the lake and its islands. From the Pierre des Borrels, you will continue via the hamlet of Les Vincents until you get to the village of Le Petit Creux.Itinerary on the wooded mountain of the Mont Tournier, part of the Jura range in Savoie, which combines going through woods and meadow with the discovery of viewpoints over the Yenne disctrict and the plain of Rhone River. Protruding summit. Duration : 2 hours.

6 hours.

Beaches - Rendez-vous au Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette pour découvrir des paysages enchanteurs en prenant son temps et en s'imprégnant pleinement de la nature qui nous entoure. Très apprécié des pêcheurs, le lac possède un écosystème et des zones naturelles remarquables qui garantissent la diversité écologique et la qualité de l’eau. © 2018 Office de tourisme Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette © 2018 Office de tourisme Pays du Lac d’Aiguebelette

Duration : 3 hours. Loop for andvances hikers. Enjoy the wide panoramic view over the Avant-Pays Savoyard at the viewpoint indicator. Duration : 4:30 hours. Get the booklet and the secrets of the Rhone River.

Option of visiting the ruins of Château de l’Epine where it is alleged that a thorn from Christ’s crown was buried by one of the lords of Montbel. A family walk to discover the 2 small lakes of Chevelu and their natural surroundings. Actualités au Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette en Avant Pays Savoyard. 26 Restaurants within 5 miles.

You will find signposts explaining the various works related to water.Have a walk with a local lad who will reveal the ties that Man has establishedd with the river. Welcome to a universe where flora and fauna can be seen in all their glory.Physically challenging walk starting out from Attignat-Onicn, Lépin or Aiguebelette, with a change in altitude of 800 m and a clear view of the lake and its surrounding area (5 ½ to 6 ½ hrs, depending on the route).A charming place, with woods, valleys, crossed by the Guiers river, discover the quiet countryside of this area, the shadow valleys and the houses with adobe walls.This walk across the hills of Domessin takes small roads and dountry paths. Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Please wait

The landscape is very open, with traditional hamlets of adobe houses dotted along the way.

Si vous continuez à utiliser ce dernier, nous considérerons que vous acceptez l'utilisation des cookies. Ridiculous that you have to pay to go into the “beaches”. Communaute de Communes du Lac d'Aiguebelette, 73610 Aiguebelette-le-Lac France. Thanks to this trail you will discover different aquatic environment: the Guiers river and the Rhone.

Challenging route (4 to 6 hours walking).A terraced walk from the Rhone River up to the source of a small tributary. La navigation est réglementée et les bateaux à moteur thermique sont interdits.Les petites communes riveraines qui bordent le Lac d’Aiguebelette, ainsi que les autres villages parsemés sur les collines voisines ont su garder leur caractère authentique : on y remarque de nombreux témoignages de la vie rurale soigneusement restaurés dans un cadre particulièrement bien fleuri.Ouvert tous les jours de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h.Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 10h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h Lakes, swamps, vineyard, villages, fortified house, woods... a variety of incredible sites, at the foot of the Dent du Chat Mountain ! Difficult itinerary. Easy walk.

Difficulty : medium.

Thanks to the small signs indicating the way all along the itinerary, you'll get to discover a natural and cultural heritage linked to water. Discovery of the Rhone River, the vineyard,...Itinerary that enables you to discover the fantastic view from the famous Dent du Chat Mountain, a legendary peak. Pour préserver la pureté et la beauté des eaux du Lac, différentes mesures de protection sont mises en œuvre. Starts from the car park of the leisure centre...Walk on the ancient footpaths and discover the history of the Virgin of Vacheresse. The Boucle du Château de Choisel offers an impressive view over the Château de Choisel’s tower.There are 4 circular walks at the foot of the Mont du Chat. Starts from Yenne.At the foot of the Mont du Chat, St Paul offers 4 circular walks including one gentler alternative. Starts from the car...Punctuated by many historical discoveries on a plateau overlooking the Rhone valley and the lower Guiers circuit, this trail will charm you by this unique panorama of the Rhone !Two magnificient view points over the Alpes, Lac du Bourget and Lac d’Aiguebelette.

Duration : 2 hours. The path also passes close to the river Thiers where you can cool off.At the foot of the Mont du Chat, St Paul offers 4 circular walks including one gentler alternative. Lac d’Aiguebelette - Rendez-vous au Pays du Lac d'Aiguebelette pour découvrir des paysages enchanteurs en prenant son temps et en s'imprégnant pleinement de la nature qui nous entoure. Easy itinerary. En effet, la magnifique couleur vert émeraude du lac lui donne une dimension féerique de calme et de sérénité.Ses berges et sa jolie nappe d’eau triangulaire ornée de deux petites îles sont restées très sauvages.

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pays lac aiguebelette