idate morino vs rock lee

After encountering Team 7 and reconciling with his brother, Idate became more cheerful and friendly towards others, and despite remaining away from Konoha and from his brother, still viewed both the village and Ibiki as his family. Por lo tanto, Idate se clasificó como un fugitivo … 0:27. After being adopted into the Wasabi Family, Idate gained an unwavering and undying admiration of Jirōchō Wasabi, whom took him in as a pupil after the latter gave him food even after Idate attempted to rob him out of starvation, and became incredibly hostile whenever someone disrespected Jirōchō and dearly guarded the pocket knife that Jirōchō gave him, deeming it more important than his own life. Cuando protestaron a la prueba de Ibiki, Ibiki le sugirió que no sirve para ser un ninja. Despite no longer considering himself a ninja, Idate has been shown to still be proficient in basic ninja abilities. Un poids (重り, omori ) est un objet lourd utilisé par celui qui le porte pour alourdir son corps. He quickly noticed when he was caught in a In preparation for an important race, Idate underwent harsh cardio training, using very heavy weights in a similar way to Three years after leaving Konohagakure, Idate was hired to be the Wasabi family's runner for the Todoroki Shrine Race in the Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

It was not long before Ibiki uncovered Aoi's plan and chased after his little brother. Lésbica / Yuri LGBT Lírica Literatura Erótica Literatura Feminina Luta Magia Mistério Misticismo Pronto se hizo evidente que Aoi utilizó a Idate sólo para tener en sus manos estos objetos y convertirse en un Jonin de Amegakure. Quando ele protestou, Ibiki disse-lhe que ele não era um ninja. Se ha entrenado para mejorar su velocidad de circulación a niveles increíbles, superando fácilmente al El contenido de la comunidad está disponible bajo Lleva tu comunidad favorita contigo y no te pierdas de nada. Idate es una persona muy alegre, orgulloso de sí mismo, aunque también demuestra tener un carácter fuerte y vengativo.

Idate Morino (森乃イダテ, Morino Idate) é um genin de Konohagakure que mais tarde fugiu de sua vila, tornando-se um cidadão do País do Chá e, eventualmente, foi adotado pela Família Wasabi.

Rock Lee Se Pega Porque Sakura Olvido Todo Lo Que Hacia Con El - … However, Aoi quickly brought in Amegakure allies to capture Ibiki and eliminate the two At some point after that, Idate tried to steal money from After being tricked by Aoi Rokushō of stealing the Sword of the Thunder God and a secret scroll, being forced to watch his brother's supposed death, and fleeing Konohagakure in fears of receiving punishment for his crime, Idate became distrustful of shinobi in general due to Aoi's betrayal, and proved himself slightly as a coward for first panicking at the threat of being killed, and subsequently refusing to face justice for his actions and chose the easy way out by escaping his birth village. Idate no tuvo éxito en los exámenes Chūnin, por lo cual no cumple los requisitos para tomar los exámenes de nuevo. Idate tenía un instructor, Aoi Rokusho, quien le dijo que podría convertirse en un Chūnin si robaba la espada del Dios Trueno.

Lors de l'Examen Chûnin, Gaï donna son autorisation à son élève de les enlever alors qu'il combattait Gaara et lorsqu'il le fit, sa vitesse et sa force se multiplièrent.

Lee portait une paire de poids au niveau de ses chevilles avec le kanji courage (根性, konjô ) écrit dessus. A pesar de ya no considerarse a sí mismo un ninja, Idate ha demostrado que todavía domina las habilidades ninja básicas. Idate Morino (森乃イダテ, Morino Idate) is a genin from Konohagakure who later fled his village, becoming a citizen of the Land of Tea and eventually adopted into the Wasabi family. Idate Morino coquetea con Sakura - Duration: 0:27. Idate tiene los ojos de color marrón al igual que su pelo, el cual siempre lo mantiene con una cola de caballo. Kevin Eduardo 26,251 views. Su atuendo consiste en una camisa de color azul oscuro con una camiseta grisácea de mangas largas. Rock Lee Sai; Sem o Personagem Morino Idate; Filtros. Lleva unos pantalones cortos de color azul oscuro y en la cintura una especie de bolsa amarilla, al principio, llevaba unas pesas en sus piernas y debajo de éstas unos calentadores de pantorrillas blancos. Idate se candidatou e falhou no Exame Chūnin, deixando-o deprimido.

Gênero Ação Aventura Comédia Drabble Drabs Drama / Tragédia Droubble Esporte Famí­lia Fantasia Festa Ficção Ficção Adolescente Ficção Científica / Sci-Fi Gay / Yaoi.

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idate morino vs rock lee