css how to comment

A CSS comment can take up any number of lines. The words “One” and “Two” will have a background color of yellow and text color of red.

You may want to work with your team to decide on an agreed-upon style. The CSS Comments are used to differentiate notes from the code.

Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML. In most WordPress themes, logged in users with the capability to edit comments can see a comment edit link below each comment. Anything that appears between these two tags is the content of the comment, visible only in the code and not rendered by the browser.

These comments indicate the start of a new section of coding. Here is an example of how to have comments /*This is how to add the comment in css style sheet*/
/* This is the header row style */ Result: Previous Next. The comment box is a way to create a feedback mechanism on a site, using just a simple form. Making a habit of writing beautiful comments means getting into the habit of communicating clearly with your teammates. For example, it’s possible to apply styles only to nested elements; that is, an element that’s a child of another element.Here’s an example where we’re specifying a style that should only be applied to All the styling has its own document which is linked in the

All HTML elements can be considered as boxes.

Bookend your comment with the correct opening and closing comment tags: It’s worth it to invest a little time to add some polish to your comments.This isn’t an entirely vain effort, either. The commented code doesn’t execute.Both single and multi-line comments in CSS begin with You can also make your comments more readable by stylizing them:In larger projects, CSS files can quickly grow in size and become difficult to maintain.

For example: /* This is a single line comment*/ .group:after { content: ""; …

Background Color Background Image Background Repeat Background Attachment Background Shorthand. Comments are used in CSS to explain a block of code or to make temporary changes during development.

There are rules about what goes where, both so you can write CSS consistently and a program (like a browser) can interpret it and apply it to the page correctly.Inline CSS applies styling to a single element and its children, until another style overriding the first is encountered.To apply inline CSS, add the “style” attribute to an HTML element that you’d like to modify. Colors RGB HEX HSL. The stuff inside the /* */ marks are CSS comments. In the following example, we use a combination of HTML and CSS comments:If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: Well-formatted comments communicate important aspects of the stylesheet to members of a team who may not be familiar with the code.

And given enough time, even you will forget how your stuff works. A bustling comments section on your blog posts can help bring people together around your product and create a sense of community, bringing your website to life. It also ensures consistency when one web professional picks up where another leaves off, or when teams of people work on a site. CSS HOME CSS Introduction CSS Syntax CSS Selectors CSS How To CSS Comments CSS Colors. This means they will work in your CSS style page, as well a the