angular kendo combobox

AngularJS directive support for Kendo UI ComboBox. Gets or sets the value of the ComboBox.

material Theme If you do not intend to use an object as a value, bind the ComboBox to a primitive field value instead. All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. This flexibility allows you to quickly and easily create the exact chart you need to fit your specific requirements for functionality and appearance.

Use the keyboard or mouse to select items in the combo and experiment with the different selection options to see the variety of interactions available. Now enhanced with:The ComboBox is a form component that lets you choose from a list of options.The following example demonstrates the ComboBox in action.The following example demonstrates basic ComboBox events. Basic Usage. Value Binding

material Theme Important: If the widget is not bound, value method will pre-fetch the data before continue with the value setting. bootstrap Theme bootstrap Theme Important: The widget will … It is a richer version of the